Melamine Free 採購指南:(搜集<0.05ppm的) _____________________________ 美國FDA評估中的Background提到:
Melamine, in its chainlike "polymerized" form, has been used for decades in manufacturing of dishes, plastic resins, flame-retardant fibers, components of paper and paperboard and industrial coatings. It has only very limited exposure in foods from these food contact substance uses. The estimated level of melamine in food resulting from all of these uses is less than 15 µg/kg (0.015 ppm). Additionally, trichloromelamine is approved for use as a sanitizing agent on food processing equipment and utensils, except for milk containers and equipment. Trichloromelamine readily decomposes to melamine during its use as a sanitizer. Only very low levels of melamine in food would be expected to result from this use. There is no approved melamine use in direct addition to human or animal food in the U.S., nor is it permitted to be used as a fertilizer in the U.S., as it is in some parts of the world.
其稱美耐皿已被用來製造成餐盤、塑膠樹脂、防火纖維、紙或紙板的部品和工業的塗覆有數十載,只有非常有限的量會經由與這些物質的接觸曝露在食物中,估計因所有這些用途而導致食物含有三聚氰胺的程度 <0.015ppm。 食品工廠建築及設備設廠標準
第二章〈食品工廠之基本共同標準〉 之第七條:「 食品工廠之設備、用具及用水、用冰應符合下列規定:一、食品在製造過程中可能接觸食品之容器、器具及有關食品製造之設備,不可使用鉛、銅及有毒化學材料之物品。」,第十四條〈乳品工廠之基本設施、生產及檢驗設備〉:「 (二)乳品工廠貯乳、加工、分裝、或調配等過程必需在調理場內進行,所有之加工設備必須具備優良之衛生條件,乳液或乳粉流經之管道,及與乳液或乳粉接觸之設備,應為內壁光滑、無針孔、無直角、無狹縫之不銹鋼製品。」