


是講羅貫中佇伊ê小說《三國演義》中寫到孔明家己領1隊蜀軍來到五丈原,設局想欲唌渭北ê司馬懿出兵,毋閣硞硞等司馬懿攏無著吊,久來返倒是孔明ê舊病煞夯khài 昏倒,1暗伊帶病觀察星象,看1下煞誠驚惶,轉去共姜維講:「吾見三台星中,客星倍明,主星幽隱,相輔列曜,其光昏暗:天象如此,吾命可知!」伊知影家己ê陽壽恐驚是欲盡矣。

小說內所講ê這个“三台星”其實3組星,in 分別是上台、中台、下台,以咱今仔日所用ê西洋星座來解說逐家應該較清楚,in 著是北斗七星彼大隻熊(大熊座)ê 3个跤蹄仔。



咱若位天文科學這方面來看中台彼2粒星,中台下星(中台二)是大熊座 Mu,伊是1粒紅巨星,嘛是變星,彼ê光度會佇+2.99等佮+3.33等之間變化(週期不名),上暗到上光差約0.3等,2.5 ê 0.3次方大約是1.3,表示是差1.3倍光度(1等星比6等星光100倍),所以中台下星確實是有可能“倍明”。照按呢看,孔明ê將星著是彼隔壁ê中台上星(中台一,大熊座  Lambda),
毋閣話講轉來,《三國演義》是小說,是fiction,真真假假毋通傷認真。啊是按怎會雄雄講起三台星咧,其實我是teh 揣「台」這个漢字ê典故時看著ê,感覺這个星官真心適,罔揣資料做議量。

In Luo Guanzhong's historical novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms(三國演義), it is written that Zhuge Liang(諸葛亮) led a Shu army to Wuzhang Plains and set up a trap to lure Sima Yi (司馬懿)of Wei out of his stronghold. However, Sima Yi remained cautious and did not take the bait. After a long wait, Zhuge Liang's old illness worsened, and he collapsed. One night, despite his illness, he observed the stars and was greatly alarmed. He turned to Jiang Wei (姜維) and said, "I see in the Three Terrace Stars(三台星) that the guest star is exceptionally bright while the main star is dim. The auxiliary stars are also dim. Given such celestial phenomena, my fate is clear." He knew that his life was coming to an end.

The "Three Terrace Stars" mentioned in the novel refer to three sets of stars: the Upper Terrace(上台), Middle Terrace(中台), and Lower Terrace(下台). Using modern Western constellations, we can understand that these stars correspond to the three feet of the Big Dipper.

But which of these stars represented Zhuge Liang's fate? Some people have used ancient Chinese astrology and divination techniques to make inferences. For example, the two stars of the Upper Terrace represent the emperor and empress, the Middle Terrace represents feudal lords and high-ranking officials, and the Lower Terrace represents scholars and common people. Therefore, they argue that Zhuge Liang's fate was linked to the first star of the Middle Terrace(中台一).

However, if we consider the details in the novel, the phrase "the guest star is exceptionally bright while the main star is dim" implies that the guest star became more than twice as bright, overshadowing the main star. Unless Luo Guanzhong was fabricating this, how could such a phenomenon actually occur? After careful consideration, I have found a possible explanation.

If we look at the two stars of the Middle Terrace from an astronomical perspective, the second star (中台二)of the Middle Terrace (Mu in Ursa Major) is a red giant and a variable star. Its brightness fluctuates between +2.99 and +3.33 magnitudes (with an unknown period). The difference in brightness between its dimmest and brightest states is approximately 0.3 magnitudes. Since a difference of one magnitude corresponds to a brightness ratio of 2.512, this means that the second star of the Middle Terrace could indeed become 1.3 times brighter. Based on this, I conclude that Zhuge Liang's fate was linked to the neighboring first star of the Middle Terrace (Lambda in Ursa Major).

However, it's important to remember that Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a novel, a work of fiction. We shouldn't take everything in it too seriously. So why did I suddenly start talking about the Three Terrace Stars? Well, I was researching the etymology of the Chinese character "台" and came across these stars. I thought the storyq were quite interesting, so I did some casual research.


佇古早ê中國大陸,「台」、「臺」實際上是2个無仝意思抑無仝發音ê字,這應該足濟人知--ia,我今仔日只是因為興趣將我查著ê資料寫 tshūaih ,囥佇下跤作1 个記錄。

先來看漢朝許慎ê《說文》,內面記載ê「台」佮「臺」已經是完全無仝ê 2个字。“「臺」觀四方而高者”,講「臺」有懸ê意思。ia 另外彼字「台」,伊寫 “「台」說也。从口㠯聲”。


西漢司馬遷寫ê《史記》ê 〈太史公自序〉內有寫「唐堯遜位,虞舜不台。」,這裡所在ê「台」是歡喜ê意思,也著是許慎佇《說文》內「台」字下跤注記講ê“怡”ê意思。
