
晴朗的夜晚適合聽露天演唱會與上山看星星/ M51 and Friends/ A Magician of Night


K5, O-GPS1, kenko red enhancer

comet 41P , K3II + Tamron 300/2.8 (60b), Astrotracer 30sec

今天試著用red enhancer , 周圍看不出有什麼明顯的色偏。



kenko red enhancer

用家裡的實驗用小石英碘燈和光譜儀測一下。red enhancer 因為濾掉了一部份的Na燈的光,可以當作非常非常輕的光害濾鏡(用在城市裡便不夠),觀測地的天空暗度必須到達一定的暗度才有推一把的效果。



今晚用red enhancer 拍彗星,使用相機的自動白平衡很不錯。
DA*200+A1.4x-S, kenko red enhancer , K3II astrotracer 30"

這幾天我的好友Jeats完成了我收在部落格的 詩三昧 分頁裡的現代詩(除幾首台語詩以外)的英譯,過陣子會開始翻譯漢俳的部分,歡迎批評指教。

original poem〈M51,及其朋友〉     
english translation by Jeats

M51 and Friends

Two boats encountered on the sea speechlessly
They were already fighting before waves

Father took the child’s hand
Glancing at the other side of the sea

That vortex is the fake of painting cloth
The star-painter let sun shine through and became the shadow of spruces

A snail raced with the bear in a zoo
Windmill had already waited for more than twenty million years

Lollipops were displayed in the show window
Colorful candy shined the light of enchantment

The night was a LP record
Every dust (with you and me) was a gramophone needle


english translation by Jeats

A Magician of Night

Sometimes a glimpse on the stage with the head up
Seeing the magician slowly hiding
A black and mysterious garment
Covering all the stuff on the small round table

Whether if he at that vector speed
Pulled up that black towel
Except for the stunning strong light eager to jump out 
Suddenly endless visions were illusions of Self-nonsense
Or they just disappeared into nothing

Maybe put it this way the somehow rookie 
Magician would finally derive
A successful performance. Unsurprisingly
at the forgivable and loose words of program brochure
He memorized everything he got to do before the curtain falling down

To every theatre to find:
They used to incline the bodies and lower heads blushingly
Trying to streatch out their tickets
To recognize whether their tickets were even numbers
Next to each other 
If you hesitated and held your hand backwards
You looked up and found those girls
All missing without a trace

Said “sorry” or just a greeting
Close to the ear of the intimate partner around you 
Spoke of words of warming hearts, such as 
This kind of stuff you would understand; however 
Outside the theatre it was hard to make things realized


感謝贊助鏡片(light splitter)的朋友,以及幫忙挖孔的朋友。光纖裝置持續組立中。


另外,最近把C6等幾個鏡頭賣了,買了一隻較大的 (8吋),個人蠻喜歡的,也覺得是藝術品的高橋MEWLON 210 (我給它取個名字叫美濃瓜,因為顏色外型都有點像),DALL-KIRKHAM 式反射鏡。遇到貴人用很便宜的價格讓給我。此外,我也向另外一位朋友收了品項一樣很不錯的二手EM2s赤道儀來載它,因為用我目前的Pentax MS-3承載(6kg)不夠。對高橋產品不熟的我後來得知高橋剛開始推210時搭配的赤道儀就是EM2,所以,我應該算是讓他們團圓在一起呵)



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